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Meet Karen Fox on Art Splash Studio Tour

Local artists are madly scrambling to produce art in preparation for the Art Splash Studio Tour in Ocean Shores WA on August 12/13. That includes me! I'll be introducing you to a few of the artists on the tour in the coming weeks. The first is a fellow Karen: Karen Fox of Fox Tales Studio. She works in oil, and like many of the artists on the tour, she celebrates our blessed life here at the beach, portraying wildlife and landscapes from our little corner of the world.

Her work is lovely, and I especially like the energy imparted by strokes laid down with a palette knife. As I've mentioned, one of my artistic goals is to loosen up my style a bit, and Karen does it brilliantly.

Her light is luminous, as if the canvas glows from within. And, she does amazing pet portraits!!!

On her website, Karen points to a benefit she has received from painting that she never would have expected. "I've met many truly remarkable people because of my painting. Some are those who buy paintings, and others simply talk with me during studio tours or festivals. When I recall paintings I've sold, I recall just as clearly the people who chose them. I love it when my paintings go to good homes."

She recalls a visitor to her studio during an Art Studio Tour. "That person told me that my paintings felt 'happy.' I was really touched by that. Life is filled with too much of the other stuff, so I want to surround myself with the good, the happy and the beautiful—and forget the hurt, the ugly, the mean, and the indifferent." Yes!!! We definitely need more happy beauty, less mean and ugly.

This is a landscape of local Duck Lake. (Note to self: need to get the kayak out there!) You can check out all of Karen Fox's current work at And if you're in Ocean Shores or planning a beach trip, don't miss the Art Splash Studio Tour on Aug 12/13 from 10am-5pm. There will be giveaways, demos, art, and plenty of fun!

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